
P1100030.JPG開學的前幾周主要課程是Understanding General ManagementData Analytics for management.


UGM主要是用專案討論的方式進行,教授解釋說,和其他學校標榜全部以Case study方式進行的差異在於LBS在討論CASE上會提供較多的導引,對於我這種沒做過CASE討論的菜鳥來說,應該是很好的開始。 

這門課的教授是丹麥籍的Louise Mors


(MBE (Norwegian School of Management) PhD, Assistant Professor of Strategic and International Management, Strategic and International Management)




UGM的六堂課,每堂課讀一個Case,大致的課程內容請看下面,每堂課大家都發言踴躍,真的能在 MBA的一開始就體會到同學的深度,教授的工作就是透過提問和引導讓同學們在討論中激盪出火花。

其中我最欣賞的是第三堂和第四堂是Joint Sessions,一整天密集的上下午都上課,算是開學以來最操的一天,不過整個過程真是太精彩了! 跟大家分享一下。


首先的一個小時各小組(Study Group)帶開到討論室工作,在時間壓力下,可以清楚看到小組員討論和溝通的風格,有人一開始就常是帶領大家設定Long term goal,也有人催促大家趕快開始做決策,先試再說,團隊討論真是很能近距離了解大家阿!




(最後被這組贏走了香檳,他們的股價衝到一千多! 真是太強了)


Ps. 六堂UGM的大鋼

Session 1: Introduction to General Management

Case: Honda (A)

Class discussion preparation questions:

1. Why was Honda so successful in invading the US motorcycle market?

2. Based on the case, how do you think that Sochiro Honda spent his time? How

did he add value? What kind of person was he?

3. What messages does the Boston Consulting Group’s report on Honda (from

which this case study is extracted) send to top managers?

Session 2: Building Commitments

Case: Apple Computer

Class discussion preparation questions:

1. What factors explain IBM and Apple’s different fortunes in the PC sector up to


2. Why did John Sculley fail to halt Apple’s “glide-path to history”?

3. What might you have done differently as CEO?


Sessions 3 & 4: Framing Decisions

Readings: News Clippings on Airline Start-Ups.

P. M. Senge: “The Fifth Discipline” (Doubleday, 1990), Chapter 5, A

Shift of Mind.

Class discussion preparation questions:

1. How attractive is the market for low price airlines?

2. What does it take to succeed in this sector?

3. What competitive threats might you face and how would you address them?

Session 5: Inculcating Work Processes

Case: Harvey Golub: Recharging American Express

Reading: Abraham Zaleznik: “Managers and Leaders: Are they different?”

(Harvard Business Review, March-April 1992)

Class discussion preparation questions:

1. What was Harvey Golub’s inheritance in late 1991?

2. What was Golub trying to accomplish through American Express’ process reengineering?

3. What challenges would Harvey Golub’s successor have to face?

Session 6: Engendering and Imposing Values

Case: The Body Shop International

Class discussion preparation questions:

1. How did the Body Shop become such an outstanding success?

2. What is your evaluation of Anita Roddick’s management philosophy and style?

3. How suitable is Anita Roddick’s philosophy for businesses other than the Body



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